we offer secure trading for gift cards, BTC, USDT, and other cryptocurrencies. Enjoy high rates and daily updates for the best value. Experience fast and reliable payments
Tap "Trade Now" to start selling your cryptocurrency or gift card.
Provide necessary details about your asset.
Transition to WhatsApp to finalize your sale securely with our guidance.
Receive your payment quickly and hassle-free.
Number one trading app in Africa. The best, fast and reliable trading platform everyone should trade with.
SimaXchange is the best platform to trade all your USDT, Giftcards, BTC and all forms of trade. This platform also have the best Ambassador in the world.♥️.
I have been using different exchangers over years but when I met Sima exchange I see the difference, I feel the difference. If you are talking about availability, fast confirmation and payment of transaction, SIMA EXCHANGE is the best
We offer secure and fast BTC, USDT and other cryptocurrencies trading and gift card exchangeservices. You can buy and sell a variety of cryptocurrencies and trade gift cards for cash.
We support major cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin (BTC), TetherUS (USDT) Ethereum (ETH),Litecoin (LTC), and more. For a complete list, please visit our website at www.simaxchange.com
We accept a wide range of gift cards including Razor Gold, iTunes, Google Play, Steam, Amex,Footlocker, Ebay, and many others. Contact us on +2349078005854 for a full list of current exchage rates.
We prioritize security and customer satisfaction. Our team is experienced, and we ensure alltransactions are transparent and conducted promptly. Customer reviews and feedbacks areavailable on our social media pages and WhatsApp.
We offer competitive rates with minimal fees. Specific fees can vary depending on the type and amount of cryptocurrency or gift cards being traded. For detailed information, please contact us on +2349078005854
Most transactions are completed within a few minutes to an hour, depending on networkconditions and verification processes. Our team will keep you updated throughout the process.
Once a transaction is initiated and confirmed, it cannot be canceled. Please ensure all details are correct before proceeding. If you have any concerns, discuss them with our representative handling the transaction involved.
If you experience any problems or have questions, Hit the customer support button or contactthem on WhatsApp with +2349078005854. Our customer support team is available to assistyou and resolve any issues promptly.
The minimum and maximum trade amounts depend on the type of cryptocurrency or gift card. Please contact us on +2349078005854 to discuss your specific requirements.
Exchange rates fluctuate based on market conditions. For the most up-to-date rates, please contact us on +2349078005854 and we will provide you with the current rates for your desired transaction.
If you're new to cryptocurrency trading, our team can guide you through the basics. Contact us on +2349078005854 and we will provide you with the necessary information and resources to get started.